Milli-Q Water Purification

Model Nr.:
Lab #18
Milli-Q Gradient A10
Water purification

The Gradient A10 produces Type 1 water of very high quality, suitable for applications such as spectroscopy, chromatography, and tracelevel nutrient and contaminant sampling. The system is fed by water produced by an Elix Advantage system.

Incorporating a high-precision resistivity meter and a built in A10 total organic carbon (TOC) monitor, the Milli-Q Gradient system provides complete water quality monitoring, 18.2 M•cm at 25°C and ultra-low TOC of 1-5 ppb. An integrated dual-wavelength UV lamp effectively destroys the organic contaminants in the water and reduces bacterial counts. Feed water and application-specific Q-Gard® and Quantum™ cartridges employed in the system diminish particulate, organic and ionic contaminants down to trace levels. In addition, a Millipak 0.22 µm absolute filter provides final purification at the point-of-use.

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